jeudi 6 décembre 2018

Colquhounia coccinea

Lui trouver une bonne exposition (contre un mur au sud). Au delà de -10°C il peut disparaître et repartir de la souche. Colquhounia coccinea grows best against a south facing wall or fence. They are shrubs growing to 1–m tall, rarely to m. Diederich Franz Leonhard von Schlechtendal mais était reclassé dans la.

Je ne connaissais pas cette Lamiacée chinoise.

Peu connue, elle est intéressante, car mon encyclo la donne pour zone 8. After a hard frost, it can die back, but usually regrows in late spring or early summer. Discover over 1different palms, from the most basic (Trachycarpus fortunei) to the hardiest , such as Trachycarpus wagnerianus, or the stately Jubaea chilensis. Vous souhaitez cultiver du doliprane dans votre jardin, sur votre balcon ou en terrasse ? Voila un arbrisseau peu commun en culture.

Sa sensibilité au froid en est surement la cause. Shrubs 1-2(-) m tall, erect or pendent. Evergreen - finely toothed mid- or dark-green leaves.

Produces terminal spikes of showy flowers. The Plant List does not attempt to include all infraspecific taxa. The following databases may contain further information on this name. Eff ralgan é Satureja douglasii - Fièvres - Indigestion - Maux de tête - Les feuilles stimulent la digestion. On dirait un buddléia, mais avec des grands épis lâches de fleurs orange vif… Ou une immense sauge arbustive avec un vrai tronc.

Two things today: first of all, thanks again to Jackie Chambers for the write-up and photograph. Secondly, I’m about to be absent for 4. It produces spikes of reddish or scarlet flowers in. An upright irregular semi-evergreen or evergreen tuft native to The Eastern Himalayas and SW China. Le Lutèce du Parisien Des news, des reportages exclusifs, des interviews et des bonnes adresses : (re)découvrez Paris, au travers de son actualité, son histoire. Clusters of scarlet-orange flowers against grey-green foliage Jul-Sep, 1-2m.

Of these are accepted species names. Has aromatic, sage-green leaves and whorls of scarlet or orange flowers in late summer and autumn. Description: A Buddleja-like evergreen to semi-evergreen, open medium to large sized shrub.

With aromatic, sage-green textured leaves and whorls of scarlet-orange flowers in late summer and autumn. Highest quality due to own laboratories and 2years of experience. Origine: Himalaya (Bhoutan) Arbuste étalé, ramifié ↑3m Floraison : fin été, automne Feuillage : persistant, tomenteux, vert moyen dessus, blanchâtre dessous.

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Still going strong - a little gangly (well, very gangly) and only one stem really going for it, but what a colour! Elle est prise par les personnes qui comme moi souffrent de migraines. We use cookies to make interactions with our website easy and meaningful, to better understand the use of our services, and to tailor advertising. The simple, lance-shaped leaves are finely.

Bel arbuste natif de plusieurs régions du sud de l’Himalaya. This member of the mint family has large, downy aromatic leaves. Lamiacaeae Kristin Yanker-Hansen, Danville This plant is a salvia. Informations complémentaires sur la photo : Cette photographie.

Search over 0plants in our plant guide. Le gros thyLe gros thym est une plante aromatique à forte odeur. Aquest gènere està compost per arbustos o sub-arbustos perennes o semi-perennes. Not often offered for sale makes an interesting and attractive wall shrub for a sunny spot where the scarlet red tubular flowers can be seen to best effect set. Although it has proved hardier than many of our.

This genus is accepte and its native range is Himalaya to S. The essential oils obtained by steam distillation from the leaves and flowers of Colyuhounia coccinea Wall.

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