vendredi 6 mars 2015

Rhamnus alaternus variegata

Il est capable de vivre de nombreuses années au jardin. Arbres ou arbrisseaux, hermaphrodites ou monoïques. Bel arbuste dense au feuillage persistant gris vert marginé de blanc. Minuscules fleurs nectarifères vert jaune suivies de petites baies toxiques rouges virant.

Floraison jaune vert en mai-juin et fructification rouge puis noire, en septembre.

We have always had a thing for this handsome variegated evergreen. Makes a big shrub pretty fast and asks for very little in return just. A beautiful, and underuse evergreen shrub for creating structure in your garden.

Appartenant au genre Rhamnus et à la famille des Rhamnacées, l’ alaterne est un arbuste naturellement présent dans le bassin méditerranéen, dans les friches, les garrigues ou les haies sauvages. Non taillé, il a tendance à être buissonnant. Italian Buckthorn is a bit new to us but we have been impressed with how fast if grows and its attractiveness all year round. This evergreen shrub can get quite large.

To find a rhamnus alaternus variegatashrub this robust with this kind of coloring is rare.

It is especially striking when planted against a dark-colored backgroun such as a group of r. I have a mixed hedge of the two varieties, which I planted as a windbreak, and it is one of my favorite parts of my garden. Les rhamnus , nerpruns ou bourdaine sont des arbustes parfaits en haie naturelle. Découvrez les différentes espèces et nos conseils pour les planter, les tailler au. This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Rhamnus (family Rhamnaceae ). RHAMNUS alaternus Argenteovariegata. Remove the green shoots when they appear or elseHeight Range they will take over plant.

Rhamnus alaternus - variegata Evergreen shrub grows to tall and wide. They are evergreen and very dought tolerant once. We have combined these two powerful search tools into a single Find a Plant service searching over 250plant records. Synonymes et antonymes de Rhamnus et traductions de Rhamnus dans langues.

Attractive, cream edges leaves and small black berries. Prefers moderate water but can tolerate drought once established. Click on a characteristic from the list below to see a list of other plants that share that characteristic.

This species is accepte and its native range is Medit. Le nerprun purgatif est un petit arbre au port souvent buissonnant et aux rameaux à pointe épineuse.

Couper la hampe florale du Yucca superbe panaché après la floraison. The finely pointed leaves of this fast growing drought adapted shrub are boldly edged in cream with a deep green center. One of the finest variegated evergreen shrubs.

There is a high risk of this plant becoming invasive in California according to Cal-IPC. Naraste 1-metara visine tvoreći gustu i okruglastu krošnju. Korijenov sustav je širok i površinsko razvijen.

Some botanists prefer to break the genus Rhamnus into two genera: Frangula and Rhamnus. Alaternus is the ancient Latin name of Italian Buckthorn, adopted from the Greek Dioscorides, of unknown etymology. Yellow-green flowers spring to summer, red fruit is black in the summer. Elegant, with striking foliage, it deserves pride of place.

Alaternus , studio, rhamnus - télécharger gratuitement ce Photo sous licence en quelques secondes. Rhamnus Alaternus – Alaterne Arbuste à feuillage persistant aux feuilles ovales arrondie ou oblongues, coriace, hauteur m. A tall growing evergreen shrub with green leaves, marbled grey, edged white. Small yellowish flowers in April, followed. Because this Rhamnus tops out at feet, it is a good choice under power lines. Its upright columnar form makes it good for narrow planting areas like near walkways.

There are several varieties including a varigated leaf form. Rhamnus can tolerate wind - its slender shape is able to shear the force more easily than a. Vivace à rosettes plates, formant un tapis dense. Fleurs en panicule lâche, petites, blanches à centre rouge.

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